Strategic Partners
Working with strategic partners who can be trusted to deliver excellent value led training is key to successful outcomes for delegates.
Training is an honour, delegates give up their time to listen and learn. Time is valuable especially in the social care sector. Therefore having the confidence to book training will will make a difference is so important to me.
The following courses are available and can be tailored to your organisational needs. I trained with this company and follow their methodology. I know it works. Book today and truly see differences in your organisation immediately.
Complex needs and substance misuse
Criminal Justice System
Designated Safeguarding Officer
Disguised Compliance
Domestic Abuse Level 1-2
Domestic Abuse Working With Survivors
Domestic Homicide Review
Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Drugs and Premises
Equality and Diversity and refresher
First Impressions
Frontline Skills
Hate Crime Awareness
Leadership and Management
Lone Working
Managing Challenging Behaviour
Mental Capacity Act and Duty of Candour
Professional Boundaries
Recognising Power in Relationships
Risk Assessment and Management
Safeguarding (Young People and Social Media)
Safeguarding Alerter
Safeguarding Awareness
Safeguarding Awareness / Alerter refresher
Safeguarding for Trustees (E learning)
Safeguarding for Trustees F2F
Safeguarding Responder and refresher
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